I’m a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine Practitioner

I’ve been helping women in midlife lose weight and rebalance their hormones since 2011.
I do this by working with them to make simple but significant changes to their diet and lifestyle that are easy to build into their already-busy lives.
Perimenopause is inevitable, and I understand how frustrating it can be when you feel like your body is changing before your very eyes and you no longer recognise the woman you see in the mirror.
I get it! ,I’m here to help.

I’m a busy mum of two teenage children and I know it’s nearly impossible for women to prioritise our own health when we’re already juggling work, running the house, and looking after everyone else.
I learned first-hand the power of good nutrition growing up in a household where meals were cooked from scratch using simple ingredients. I was never ill as a child (chickenpox aside) but didn’t make the connection between nutrition and health until I was at university, living on toast and baked potatoes, and developed migraines, joint pain, and eczema.
This is not a story about my health journey as these conditions were reversed when I improved my diet – but it did cement my belief that what you eat can have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing.

Leaving behind a career in IT sales I retrained while going through the ‘baby years’, working part-time to pay the nursery fees, and life hasn’t slowed down any since then.
Today I combine my specialist knowledge with simple, practical tips and tricks that are easy to incorporate into everyday life. I love being able to help my clients achieve amazing results as they take back control of their mind, body, and health.